LMD Readers’
Q: What contributed to Healthguard becoming one of the most loved brands in Sri Lanka’s pharmaceuticals industry?
A: I’d like to first express my gratitude to LMD for this opportunity as it was through its survey we discovered our ranking as one of the leading entities in pharmaceuticals and healthcare retailing. We’re particularly honoured to have been ranked number one in the healthcare sector.
Healthguard was introduced with a unique model, diverging from traditional counter pharmacies. Instead, we embraced a modern format resembling a mini-supermarket style, complete with the self-service privilege.
This allowed us to not only dispense medication but also introduce preventive healthcare to customers by offering them an assortment of wellness products catering to holistic health needs.
We ensure that all medications sold in our stores are authorised and registered, adhering to stringent quality standards. Our team comprises qualified pharmacists, either holding a Bachelor of Pharmacy degree or graduating from the Sri Lanka Medical Council.
Over the past two decades, we’ve consistently provided exceptional service and care to our patrons. Outlets offer parking facilities and personalised services. Whether it’s tracing rare medications or arranging special deliveries, we go the extra mile to meet our customers’ needs.
Q: Tell us the brand’s history, emphasising its progression in the last 12 months…
A: One of the key strengths of Healthguard is our commitment to experimentation and innovation. We initially opened outlets across various parts of the country; but later, focussed our operations in Colombo to better serve our core market.
We’ve explored diversifying into a wide product range, transitioning from selling both medicines and groceries to focussing on pharmaceuticals and wellness, which includes functional beauty products.
In addition, we introduced ‘mini-express’ pharmacies in selected supermarket chains. With every innovation, we continued to enhance our business model and its ability to realign our sustainable, strategic growth agenda.
Currently, we are excited about our initiative to collaborate with international brands to bring exclusive products to Sri Lanka through partnerships with businesses such as GNC of the US and Swisse Wellness of Australia.
Q: How is Sri Lanka’s economic outlook impacting brands and branding in general?
A: It’s evident that consumer behaviour has shifted over the past three years or so with the given economic challenges. However, essentials such as medicines and gas have remained top priorities for many.
Although individuals may have reduced the quantity they purchase due to rising costs, the necessity remains unchanged. While prices have increased, people continue to prioritise their health.
Moreover, the Colombo market has proven to be more resilient, attracting new players in the healthcare retail sector with Healthguard serving as an inspiration.
As competition intensifies, our focus shifts to enhancing our services to stay ahead. We aim to set ourselves apart by enhancing our customer experience, surpassing the standards we set months ago and ensuring that our services remain unparalleled in the industry.
Q: In what ways should organisations maintain a balance between investments, innovation and financial performance?
A: Our strategy prioritises technology and employee engagement over capital-intensive investments. While investing in our workforce and technology will yield better results, expanding into new business areas such as exporting Healthguard branded products may not be feasible in the near future.
Our immediate priority is to expand our presence in Colombo as the demand surpasses our current capacity of 15 stores.
Q: How has the brand utilised digital tools such as AI-powered chatbots to strengthen its branding efforts?
A: We’re ramping up our online presence and digital communications efforts to better engage with our customers through the technological ecosystem. This includes enhancing our website, investing in e-commerce platforms and leveraging digital marketing channels such as WhatsApp.
We recognise the importance of fully utilising digital tools to maximise results. This involves expanding our reach to platforms such as TikTok and investing in brand advertising for Healthguard.
And we aim to leverage social media platforms to strengthen our brand identity and connect with customers effectively. By embracing digital innovation, we strive to create a meaningful impact in the landscape of healthcare retailing.
Telephone: 0706 119283 | Email: farman.nizar@sunshineholdings.lk | Website: www.healthguard.lk