ECONOMYNEXT – The International Monetary Fund said it has given an assessment of a deal with international sovereign bondholders to Sri Lanka and the advisors of the investors and urged new tax measures in the 2025 budget to help maintain stability.
IMF staff had assessed the ‘Joint Working Framework’ with on sovereign bonds and has “provided this assessment to the authorities and, on their request, the financial advisors of the bondholders,” the statement said without mentioning its contents.
“We encourage a swift resolution of the remaining steps to achieve debt sustainability and regain investor confidence,” Mission Chief Peter Breuer said in a statement.
“We will continue to support Sri Lanka’s ongoing debt restructuring efforts. The authorities have made commendable progress with putting debt on a path towards sustainability.
“The execution of the domestic debt restructuring and finalizing the agreements with the Official Creditor Committee and China EXIM Bank are major milestones.”
Inflation remained below the central bank’s target of 5 percent, he said and interest rates have started to fall.
Sri Lanka has hit balance of payments troubles with a 5 percent inflation target, despite having a reserve collecting central bank in the past and the depreciating currency has pushed up energy and food prices, discredited open markets triggering out migration and social unrest.
Under a new central bank macro-economists promised no goal independence to the agency, but political authorities were persuaded by the agency itself to endorse the same target it had been pursuing in triggering sovereign default.
However the central bank has kept inflation below two percent a year in the past year, the exchange rate stable, allowing food and energy prices to be stable.
RELATED Sri Lanka inflation 2.4-pct in June, prices rise 2.8-pct over 22 months
Sri Lanka is heading for Presidential elections in September 21.
“The 2025 Budget needs to be underpinned by appropriate revenue measures and continued spending restraint so as to reach the medium-term primary balance objective of 2.3 percent of GDP—a key requirement for restoring Sri Lanka’s debt sustainability,” Breuer said.
“Any proposed measure eroding the fiscal position needs to be offset by compensating measures of high quality.
“Avoiding new tax exemptions will not only reduce corruption risks and fiscal revenue leakages, but also ensure a more predictable and transparent tax system.”
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There have been concerns raised about increasing capital consumption taxes, after triggering external crises by extreme macro-economic policy to target potential output or generate high inflation through flexible inflation targeting.
Almost recently defaulting countries also have similar flexible inflating regimes with target of 5 percent or higher.
Under extreme macro-economic policy to target output – which was illegal under the earlier monetary law – Sri Lanka achieved a peacetime external default like Latin America after a steep rise in foreign debt under an earlier IMF program.
To cover forex shortages that came from flexible inflation targeting (printing money to boost inflation) and potential output targeting (printing money to boost growth) under various mathematical formulae Sri Lanka borrowed money from sovereign bonds and also China Development Bank as the country ran out market access.
The full statement is reproduced below:
• The economic reforms implemented by the Sri Lankan authorities have continued to support the recovery with three consecutive quarters of real GDP growth, low inflation, increased revenue collection, and a build-up of external reserves.
• Decisive progress on the reform agenda is necessary to ensure a broad-based and stable economic recovery benefitting all of Sri Lanka’s people.
• Progress in meeting key commitments under the IMF-supported program will be formally assessed in
the context of the third review of the Extended Fund Facility (EFF) arrangement.
Sri Lanka, Colombo – August 2, 2024: An International Monetary Fund (IMF) mission team led by Senior Mission Chief Mr. Peter Breuer visited Sri Lanka from July 25 to August 2, 2024, to discuss recent macroeconomic developments and progress in implementing economic and financial policies under the authorities’ economic reform program supported by the IMF’s Extended Fund Facility (EFF) arrangement.
At the end of the mission, Mr. Breuer issued the following statement:
“The economic reform program implemented by the Sri Lankan authorities is yielding commendable outcomes. The recovery continues with real GDP posting three consecutive quarters of expansion, and growth accelerating to 5.3 percent year-on-year in the first quarter of 2024. Inflation remains contained below the Central Bank of Sri Lanka’s (CBSL) 5 percent target and domestic borrowing rates have declined.
Gross international reserves increased by US$1.2 billion during the first half of 2024 and reached US$5.6 billion. Fiscal revenue collections increased during the same period. Going forward, these improvements need to translate into better living conditions for all of Sri Lanka’s people.
“With Sri Lanka’s knife-edged recovery at a critical juncture, sustaining the reform momentum and ensuring timely implementation of all program commitments are critical to cement the hard-won economic progress to date and put the economy on a firm footing.
Maintaining macroeconomic stability and restoring debt sustainability require further efforts to raise fiscal revenues. The 2025 Budget needs to be underpinned by appropriate revenue measures and continued spending restraint so as to reach the medium-term primary balance objective of 2.3 percent of GDP—a key requirement for restoring Sri Lanka’s debt sustainability.
The planned relaxation of import restrictions on motor vehicles will support revenue mobilization in 2025. Tax administration reforms could further improve compliance, including by establishing a properly functioning VAT refund system for exporters by April 2025.
Any proposed measure eroding the fiscal position needs to be offset by compensating measures of high quality. Avoiding new tax exemptions will not only reduce corruption risks and fiscal revenue leakages, but also ensure a more predictable and transparent tax system.
Continuing to maintain energy prices at cost-recovery levels is critical to avoid potential fiscal costs. Protecting the poor and the vulnerable through improved targeting and better coverage of cash transfers remains critical. Policy slippages could jeopardize the recovery.
“The recent parliamentary approval of two key pieces of legislation—the Public Financial Management Act and the Public Debt Management Act—is a milestone that will improve fiscal discipline and prudent debt management, bolstering transparency and accountability. Developing a holistic debt management strategy and establishing a well-structured and integrated Public Debt Management Office will help lower the government’s financing risks.
“Inflation has been well-contained. Monetary policy should remain prudent and prioritize the anchoring of inflation expectations. Maintaining price stability also hinges on safeguarding CBSL’s independence. Continued reserve accumulation and exchange rate flexibility remain key priorities.
“The recent amendments to the Banking Act and the related implementing regulations will help safeguard financial stability. To allow the financial sector to contribute to economic growth, the authorities need to ensure the banking sector is adequately capitalized.
“The recently formulated National Anti-corruption Agenda, building on the authorities’ earlier governance action plan, is a welcome step. A steadfast implementation of governance reforms outlined in the Governance Diagnostic Report, prioritizing near-term commitments under the EFF program, is critical to addressing corruption risks and promoting a break from past policy missteps. Ensuring an enabling environment for governance reforms is key to bolstering public confidence and facilitating implementation of these important efforts.
“The authorities have made commendable progress with putting debt on a path towards sustainability. The execution of the domestic debt restructuring and finalizing the agreements with the Official Creditor Committee and China EXIM Bank are major milestones.
IMF staff assessed the “Joint Working Framework” announced at the conclusion of the second round of restricted discussions with the bondholder committee and have provided this assessment to the authorities and, on their request, the financial advisors of the bondholders.
We encourage a swift resolution of the remaining steps to achieve debt sustainability and regain investor confidence. We will continue to support Sri Lanka’s ongoing debt restructuring efforts.
“Progress in meeting key commitments under the IMF-supported program will be formally assessed in the context of the third review of the EFF. The timing of the third review will be discussed with the government after the recently announced presidential elections.
“The IMF team held meetings with President and Finance Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe, Central Bank of Sri Lanka Governor Dr. P. Nandalal Weerasinghe, Secretary to the Treasury Mr. K M Mahinda Siriwardana, and other senior government and CBSL officials. The IMF team also met with Parliamentarians, representatives from the private sector, civil society organizations, and development partners.
“We would like to thank the authorities for the excellent collaboration during the mission and reaffirm our commitment to support Sri Lanka for a full and inclusive economic recovery.”